Tuesday, March 2, 2010

some things are worth the wait...

I don't mean to completely veer off course...  Well yes I do, I can't help it.  This is just way cooler than the boring post I had worked up....    after months and months of waiting it is soooo close...

Monday, March 1, 2010

marching on...

It’s been a little while since I posted any updates. Mostly because I haven’t changed too much stuff around the house lately, and the stuff I have changed I need to take some pictures of, so I'll have to veer off a little on this post. I’ve been pretty busy with life before, and since, my last post. The end of January and February was a busy month with other things. So busy in fact I just realized its March 1st. I feel kind of bad I haven’t spent too much time on the house, mostly the time spent here has been getting furniture set up and starting to get some art hung up. I need to get some more art made, so hopefully I can start getting that going and post it on my other blog. But I haven’t made too many other changes, for a few reasons, just time in general being the biggest. Been trying to enjoy life outside of here a little bit since I made a big push around the house previously. Another reason, is a little creative fun has turned into something a lot bigger. What started as me and some good buddies experimenting with photos has really taken off and got a lot of people interested. So much so, we had a big event, even with a giant snowstorm. Now it’s gotten so popular we have our own fan page on the bookface. If you want, you can head over there and see what we are doing. It’s taken up some of my time, but well worth it since its really getting a lot of people together for good times. Plus it enabled me to put the house to use for one of its original intentions, getting family and friends together. I remember talking about it many times when the search for a house was on, how friends and family could come over and enjoy each others company. How that would be a really important part of the house, and how much it would mean. This was the first time it has happened, and it really was a great moment in time...
