Tuesday, November 3, 2009

laundry and lifting

Tonight was the type of night that helps you keep things in perspective, not like I haven't already been doing that; but this was just another set of events that solidify what life is about.  I'm praying for more than a few people that had some health issues today.

This is also why I try to keep a blog post or two in my back pocket, in case something or if I'm really lucky someone comes by and I can't accomplish anything on the house. The beauty of a bare ceiling in the basement enables you to do whatever you want.  Namely make a hanger bar out of a piece of pipe for your laundry.  But, not only does this provide a place for your freshly laundered linens.  It also doubles as...

... a prison workout bar.  That's right, nothing but the jail cell workout here, plenty of pullups, leg lifts, and ab exercises.  Just have to remember to rotate the bar, I noticed it was already starting to bend.  Forget the ab roller, this was free and the results speak for themselves. Thanks for the idea broseph!  Oh, it's the deep burn...  I don't know if you heard me counting, I did over a thousand.

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